Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Love and Thankfulness

Every year around this time you start seeing more and more people articulate why and for what they are thankful. I always get a chuckle that people only voice what they are truly thankful for when a holiday is near. It's kinda like only going to church on Easter and Christmas...what's the point? You should be doing that year round! Anyways, i'm going to join in on that parade today!

I truly have a lot to be thankful for. But, most of everything that I have to be thankful for comes back to my husband. I have 4 beautiful...thanks to my husband. I am able to stay home with my kids (even when I don't want to...) thanks to my husband. I am able to have new hobbies and learning adventures (like grinding wheat, making my own baby food, when I attempted to sew,canning...you know..all the crazy stuff) thanks to my husband. He never once (except when I said I wanted a snuggie) discouraged me from trying any of the crazy things i've wanted to try. Instead, he encourages me and laughs with me when it is a disaster!

Zach is my absolute best friend. Perhaps I am the most grateful that we have a marriage where we genuinly like each other and aren't just lost in the marriage lable. We love each other despite the differences. Which, surprisingly, aren't that many. We care for each other deeply, have a bond that won't be broken, and yet are still best friends and have fun together. It's a marriage in paradise. I could not be more blessed than to have Zach the head of our family.

Love you!

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